A Visit to Memory Lane:  Thursday, August 31, 2023

HRHS members were treated to an old-fashioned visit to Memory Lane, presented by Business Sponsor Charter Financial Resources with Rick and Darren Martin.  A delicious BBQ lunch in the 1950s diner  was coupled with an enjoyable and fast-paced presentation by Darren, focusing on “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know” about a variety of financial subjects.  Darren touched on the importance of Estate Planning, costs, fees and commission of Investment Accounts, Retirement Plans, Tax Strategies and so much more!

The members then spread out across the event center, visiting the various restored vehicles, karaoke room, Elvis area, Harley room, Miniature railroad city, and arcade! Memories indeed came flooding back to all, as comments such as “oh my, I had one of these Mustangs in the 60’s” to “I remember Elvis and that outfit”.  Lee and Jane Whiteley mentioned their 250+ collection of period metal lunchboxes, while others reminisced about playing pin ball games during their youth.

Rick and Darren (above) were delightful hosts, and the afternoon was indeed memorable.

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