Above, Bigfoot imprint in the dirt

Monday night, October 16, 2023.  Paranormal activity was on the minds of inquisitive folks as they  were listening to the Navajo Rangers discuss a variety of experiences that occurred over the course of many years, during their work as Rangers in the Navajo Nation. Presenters and retired Rangers Jonathan Dover, Ranger Lieutenant (Ret.) and Stanley Milford Jr. Ranger Sergeant (Ret.) covered paranormal investigations that they conducted during an 11 year span within Navajo Nation lands located in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

These include cases involving UFO’s, Bigfoot, Hauntings, and Navajo Skinwalkers. These inexplicable cases were meticulously investigated with a scrutiny that is unheard of these days.

During their careers Jonathan and Stanley were exposed to some of the most unbelievable phenomenon known to man. This is a land of rugged beauty, deep legend, and mystery where it seems anything can happen on any given day.

The Navajo Nation Rangers are tasked with Natural Resource Law Enforcement in the areas of Forestry, Fish and Wildlife, Mines, Minerals, Parks and Recreation areas, Archaeology, Cultural Resources, Agriculture, Police work, and Search and Rescue.  One of Stan’s unique responsibilities was overseeing a section called the “Special Projects Unit (SPU)”. It was within this section that Stan worked with Jonathan Dover (Ret. Lieutenant). This section’s primary role was managing cases and projects that were deemed critical, sensitive or high profile in nature. These cases could be anything from high priority investigations, dignitary protection, high risk detail, SWAT or other emergency operations. One of the responsibilities of that unit was the investigation of cases that did not fit within everyday parameters of law enforcement or criminal investigation. Enter the “paranormal or supernatural” i.e. cases involving Bigfoot, UFOs, Extraterrestrials, witchcraft, skinwalkers, ghosts and hauntings. It should be known that these cases were about 1% of the total of cases that were investigated by the SPU each year.

As stated by the Rangers  “We have tracked BigFoot on very trackable ground back to where he started and to where he went.  Although the ground is very trackable, it always begins and ends with one foot print .  In our opinion, BigFoot is either brought here from somewhere else or steps into our dimension from another.”

Stan Milford

Jonathan Redbird Dover

Stanley and Jonathan have been involved with the History Channel’s Skinwalker Ranch and Beyond Skinwalker.

The Southridge Recreation Center Auditorium was packed with over 200 attendees.

In addition to the presentation,  Katie Paige, Colorado MUFON’s State Director, had a table with information about MUFON (Mutual UFO Network).  Katie has personal ties to a High Strangeness Ranch in Colorado. In UFO folklore it was known as the “Clearview” Ranch, and pre-dates the infamous “Skinwalker Ranch’ by over a decade. This is what motivated her interest in ufology, to find answers to all her experiences.  Note:  Katie will return to Southridge in 2024 and present an evening’s program about MUFON and more.

The Auditorium was abuzz with conversations once the program ended and people started leaving.  Stated one attendee as he left the auditorium, “now I have even MORE questions about what is really out there!”   Linda B. attended, and when asked how she liked it stated  “They showed valid pictures to back up the stories they were telling us.  I am a believer!!”

An interesting and thought-provoking presentation to be sure!