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Norman Rockwell, My Neighbor, My Friend
July 18, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

NORMAN ROCKWELL, My Neighbor and Friend
by Oliver “Cookie” Kempton

Registration Required
Monday, July 18 , 2022 – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Southridge Recreation Center, Upstairs Auditorium
4800 Mc Arthur Ranch Road. Highlands Ranch
Norman Rockwell held up a friendly mirror of our lives.
Millions of Americans viewed his illustrations on the cover of the “Saturday Evening Post”.
This PowerPoint presentation is a Behind The Scenes look provided by his Stockbridge, Massachusetts neighbor, model and young friend, Oliver “Cookie” Kempton.
Oliver will present his personal view and stories as well as the insights of how, when, and the why of Rockwell’s paintings.
This presentation will contain pictures of Rockwell, his models as they pose for the paintings, and the
steps from sketches to the final painting.

From the book, “102 Favorite Paintings by Norman Rockwell”.
When Norman Rockwell was a young illustrator, in his early twenties, he was told if he wanted to make something of himself, he should shoot for the stars. The top market for illustrators was The Saturday Evening Post. Norman painted two covers and made a sketch for a third. He took the train to Philadelphia where he presented his work to the Post’s art editor. Norman was left to wait impatiently. When the art editor returned, he was informed that the Post would purchase both of the finished works, wanted him to develop the sketch for a third cover and was ready to commission three more. Rockwell and the Post would be associated for the next 47 years.

Don’t miss this “tell all” opportunity to see what it was like to be Norman Rockwell’s neighbor, model, and friend.
Monday, July 18, 2022 – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Southridge Recreation Center, Upstairs Auditorium
$3 Suggested Donation at Door for non-HRHS members

Southridge Recreation Center Upstairs Auditorium 4800 McArthur Ranch Road Highlands Ranch 80130